
Jeffrey Boakye

Jeffrey Boakye

Jeffrey Boakye is an ex-teacher turned writer, speaker, broadcaster and educator, with a particular interest in issues surrounding race, masculinity, education and popular culture.

Jeffrey co-hosts BBC Radio 4's double award winning Add to Playlist and is a Senior Teaching Fellow at the University of Manchester's Institute for Education.

Jeffrey has authored and published a number of books, including Hold Tight: Black Masculinity, Millennials and the Meaning of Grime and I Heard What You Said.

Polly Harrow

Polly Harrow

Polly Harrow is the Assistant Principal for Safeguarding at Kirklees College and the first Department for Education FE Student Support Champion appointed in England.

Polly was previously the Chair of the National Association for Managers of Student Services (NAMSS) and is now a sought-after trainer, working extensively in Finland and other European counties, sharing insight on trauma informed practice. Polly is a qualified Trauma and Mental Health National Practitioner (Distinction, TISUK) and a Prevent national practitioner.

Nina Burrowes

Dr. Nina Burrowes

Nina is a psychologist, activist, and author who has spent her career working on the psychology of sexual harm and relationship abuse. Having started her career working with people who cause sexual harm for HM Prison Service, Nina now uses her understanding of the causes and consequences of sexual violence to educate judges, barristers, police officers, teachers, students, and health care practitioners across the UK and overseas.

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