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Developing an anti-racist trauma informed learning community

Event Schedule

See below for all sessions

Jeffrey Boakye

Keynote Jeffrey Boakye

This session will explore the relationship between identity and ideology, examining how a better understanding of personal identity and wider social constructs can be leveraged towards more equitable social systems.

The session will also look specifically at how dominant ideologies persist through institutions including education, and the challenges posed for those of us seeking social justice. Finally, Jeffrey will consider approaches for how best to progress in this work and perspectives that can help illuminate seemingly difficult conversations.


Workshop Streams

Jeffrey Boakye

Decolonising the Curriculum

Jeffrey Boakye

This session will look carefully at the role of education as an institution in upholding problematic, wider ideologies. It will consider the contexts into which modern education was conceived and examine the underpinning design principles that govern curriculum content.

To this end, Jeffrey will unpack core values and invite you to think about the role of educators as agitators and truth seekers.

Nina Burrowes

Teaching students about consent and responding to sexual harassment at our college

Dr. Nina Burrowes

This session will explore the following areas of consent and sexual harassment:

  • What could preventing sexual harassment look like?
  • Talking about consent with students
  • Supporting students who experience sexual harassment

Curriculum Stream

Business Support Stream


Polly Harrow

Keynote Polly Harrow

Trauma informed and compassionate leadership: Building an anti-racist culture through a trauma informed lens.

This session will explore the importance of building a trauma-informed and compassionate College community, which in turn, enables us to nuture an inclusive and informed approach to education and support, better understanding the intersectionalities between marginalised groups and those who have experienced trauma in their life.

We will explore principles and the practical application of moving from trauma aware to trauma informed and the importance of relational practice.

Personal reflections in teams

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