Event Schedule
See below for all sessions
Introductions Viv Buckley
Looking Ahead - Our new strategic plan
Keynote Rachel Clarke
Rachel will build upon our anti-racism journey to date, helping us to reflect on moving from being non-racist to anti-racist.
As part of this session, we will explore how equity creates a sense of place, identity and belonging, drawing upon Rachel's personal and professional experiences working across the education space in both Wales and England.
Keynote Professor Jason Arday
Professor Jason Arday will explore neurodiversity and intersectionality. This session will consider the importance of education in supporting and enabling, creating a sense of belonging.
Jason will share personal insights - having been diagnosed with Autism at the age of 3, Jason didn't learn to speak until he was 11.
Keynote Connor Allen
Connor will bring his unique and engaging tone and talent, as an interlude to our professional learning day, showcasing his skill and talent to bring life lessons, reflections and current affairs into a creative poetic expression.
Keynote Dr. Paul Redmond
Zombie Jobs: The Future of Work
Zombie jobs are those at risk of being replaced by artificial intelligence, robotics and virtual reality. But the biggest challenge preventing us preparing young people for the opportunities of the 21st century, is outdated, 20th century thinking about the job market. We're accidentally preparing our young people for the wrong century.
Additional training on Dysgu
This slot is designed to allow time for you to check that your mandatory Dysgu modules are up-to-date.
We have launched a new e-learning module about Additional Learning Support (ALN), which provides a useful overview of ALN legislation, along with our approach to supporting learners who have ALN and how you can access key support information about learners via college systems.
You can also find a number of sustainability and net-zero e-learning modules via Dysgu. These modules have been created by the College, with funding from Welsh Government and then rolled out to colleges across Wales!
A 4-part AI learning series is also available, so, take your pick! All of the above can be found via the 'Additional Courses' tab when you log in.
You can access Dysgu here: https://dysgu.bridgend.ac.uk
Use Google single sign-on (your usual college login details) to access the system.
Personal reflections in teams
Your manager will share with you a link to a team Google Meet, for a final facilitated session of reflection and takeaways.
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